Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Such a Great Thoughts and Priciples

1: I believe in the universal law of conduct. That is, if u do something, it should be OK for someone to do that same thing to u. if not, don’t do it! i mean, if u dont want your stuff to be stolen, then why do u steal? right?

2: I believe in logic. i.e. i dont believe in those kinda Adam and Eve or Noah’s Ark stories which resolve to us being all relatives from the same 2 ancestors(Adam and Eve). those stories are too damn illogical, dont u guys think so? I’m not being religist (is that even a word?), just that i only know these kinda stories which i think defies logic. currently the only logical explanation i accept about how human comes about is through science, although there’s just 1 missing stage of the 5 stages(still they are already 80% correct).

3: Loving someone is not about possessing. i believe that if u truly like someone, u would do anything to make her happy. if she’s not happy with u, u should let her go, for she’ll be happier with someone else. but if she thinks u are the One that will make her happy, and even if u’re not really the one, then u should not let her go, but cherish her and love her till the end, and not just give her up to that guy who can make her happy, because she has already decided that her happiest moments are going to be spent with you.

4: Filial does not mean u are a Mama’s boy. because 1stly, she gives birth to u, just for that u have already owed ur life to her. 2ndly, she send u to school and all those money that she spent on ur school fees, cant be repayed since by the time u work there is no money to give her back, because it is time to start a family. so how should u repay his mother’s kindness? by being filial. because i believe in karma, which leads to another principle (what goes around comes around). i believe if i’m filial to my parents, my children are going to be filial to me.

5: I believe in karma, and this again leads to the first principle of the universal law of conduct. i believe in karma and so i dont want to do nasty things to people unless forced, just so that it comes back to me in the present or future life. and maybe this is why people like to take advantage of me since i hardly retaliate. but i also know that if i do, there will be some nasty consequences that i have to live with, that’s why i always bear with all those pranks and tricks people played on me for their humour.

6: I do not believe in gossips, especially those that come from someone’s friend’s husband’s brother’s student’s mom’s problems. because the word of mouth can be so wrong. what is known to be a simple problem can be so twisted that at the end people hear it as a catastrophe. normally when ppl say something abt some ppl, i’ll just say,’ yeah yeah’… but i dont go around telling them to other ppl.

7: I dont believe in 1 sided stories… if someone is to tell me their problems then i’ll hear them and sometimes give advice… but if they were to ask me to SOLVE them… then that’s where i need to know both sides of the story, just because ppl are biased and, although not always, will mostly tell stories that will limit their own faults.

8: People say now Man and Woman have equal rights.. and again i’m not being sexist or anything. but tell me, if both sexes have equal rights now, then why should a man still open the door to a woman? or put down toilet seats for them? i do treat them as equal, and that’s why, sometimes i do not open doors for gals, especially if they are already walking in front of me.

hehehe…..they are adopted from my fren named Eric…(thanks to him for his great thought)

although i adopt these principle, but i do totally agree with him…..when the first time i read them 1 by 1, my head is tripping up and down (agreeing all the time) hahahahha

i wanna add my own a little :
1 and 5. it is actually always happen around us, but some people don’t really understand it and keep doing their old mistakez. actually if u really understand them, they will lead u to a better u. and the better people were, a better world would be.

2. i don’t believe it to, cause we don’t really know the truth, tat happen in the past, and actually if it was really happenned, wat is the advantage for us? just to scaring us by the power of superior crature? or maybe the leader? hem we are the leader of ourself. …. besides tat, i do like fantasy story, like dragon, creature, something like tat, so i read that storylike. hem….

3. yeah, loving someone doesnt always mean tat u have to HAVE his/her, u can care about them without making some cage around them. and we do happy if someone we love and care about is happy. so if they dont happy being around u, for wat u keep holding their hands? loose them directly and u can see their smiley face (it’s true tat we will feel hurt if we do that, but, it is worthed to make one person hurt better than two persons if we still possessing them).

4. yup, fillial not a negative one, it is a positive thing! when i was younger, when i didnt understand what have mom done to us, i didn’t really luv her, but now, i do really luv her, even though sometimes i can’t show my luv, but i do really luv her from the bottom of my heart!

6 and 7. gossip sometimes include some truth there, so if we search by urself the truth, sometimes gossip can be useful (by urself huh, not hear it from others) hehehe, come, see, and prove it by yourself (tat’s wat the actionz u should do if u hear GOSSIPZZZ), and hearing story can’t be perfect if u only hear it from only one person, one side….u should listen to their full sided.

8. yep, that’s true men and women are not equal, that’s why we (men) should serve them if we could, coz men usually have more strenght and bigger body…so, it is the must.

I’ll edit some if i could and have new thought.

just simply add comment below then if u agree or not agree (one thing for sure, i am not talking bout religion, race or anything like tat) thanx to all

HaPpY SyaLaLa LaLa

gembira jgn melekat, bila melekat dan suatu saat hilang,stress lah kita.
jadi setelah kita gembira, do positive thing! then ur happiness will last (i dont say it last forever, coz it could be gone too) longer…

ubah paradigma, ubah kebiasaan & cara pikir yg buruk..
misal setiap sedang menunggu / mengerjakan sesuatu, ngapain sambil marah, marahpun nunggu tetap kita menunggu,masak is masak , macet is macet. mending jgn marah2,tunggu sambil happy; masak smbl happy; macet sambil happy, bersiul, nyanyi atau apa kek.
tambahin pikiran baik,smoga yg lagi jemput selamat berbahagia, semoga supir bus tenang damai, sehingga cepat sampai; yg makan masakan yg lagi dimasak ini tenang berbahagia, puas dengan masakan ini, kenyang; org2 yg kena macet juga dapat bersabar n berbahagia.
jadiny gak 2x rugi. macet, masak pagi2, nunggu uda rugi. ngapain marah2 lg yg jelas2 bikin stress jadi rugi juga.mending sambil happy,buat baik, bersiul nyanyi,jadi gak keki.

simple example :
tiap hari kita tulis dgn tangan kanan, coba ubah kebiasaan dengan tangan kiri, memang susah untuk awal2, tapi lama2 bisa klo dibiasakan.
begitu jg ubah cara pikir dari buruk -> baik.
awalnya pasti susah, tp klo dah bisa akan berbahagia!!!

"Saya Tdk paham megapa IA Tdk memahami saya"
jd siapa yg salah. saya apa dia? bukankah pertanyaan di atas sudah menjawa, sebenarnya yang tidak paham kan saya, mengapa masih menyalahkan org yang tidak memahami saya….hem….
kesalhan sepenuhnya ada di saya lho…
jgn objective. subjective lha kalau selalu berpikir atau menilai sesuatu atau seseorang…
dont try to change people, change urself!

Dressing for Life

hidup itu sama seperty kita berpakaian.

terkadang kita menemui baju yg sgt bagus, pas n cocok dgn tubuh kita,
terkadang menemui baju yg bagus namun tidak pas dgn tubuh kita,
terkadang menemui baju yg terlihat jelek namun sangat pas n cocok dgn tubuh kita,

sama seperti kita bergaul;
terkadang ada org yg sikapnya baik, dan sangat cocok dgn kita,
terkadang ada org yg sikapnya baik namun sering cek cok dgn kita, tidak cocok,
terkadang ada org yg tidak baik sikapnya namun dapat menjadi sahabat kita dan rela mnolong dsaat kita sdg susah.

sama seperti baju, kita tidak mungkin dengan mudahnya merubah baju yg kita inginkan menjadi baju yg sangat pas dibadan kita , terkecuali kita tukang jahit profesional, itupun juga tidak bisa sekali rombak lgsg pas, hanya ada satu solusi yg mudah n pasti berhasil yaitu mrubah postur dan ukuran tubuh kita dengan merawat dan membentuk tubuh dengan berolahraga. Bgitu juga bergaul org lain, daripada susah susah merubah watak org, lebih mudah n lebih baik merubah diri kita sendiri.